Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tokyo - Log Cabin Quilts

Today I thought I would entertain you with the Log Cabin quilts from the Tokyo show. Ohhh, teeny tiny logs. Sometimes they use this as a palette for applique. You may also notice the colours are quite subdued in most of these quilts.

I look at mine, which are usually made from 2 1/2" strips. Then I look at these. I look at mine, then look at these. I feel like a kindergardener who is learning to sew by stitching yarn through a paper plate.


  1. Oh, my what nice log cabin block quilts. I too am used to the more traditional ones. I came to your blog from another blog where you left a comment about a cheat sheet for borders. The cheat sheet for setting triangles will be useful to me sometime. It's a matter of putting it where I can find it... ha ha.

  2. They are amazing - the sort of quilts I aspire to.

  3. Thank you for sharing! Awesome work!
    <3 judi


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