Last night I went to a different guild (Ancaster) to see the guest speaker. I needed a night out since my scheduled night out (dinner with friends) has been cancelled. I brought my friend Sue who also needed a night out. We bumped into two other friends from our Caledonia guild. None of us won any of the prizes - no door prizes, no raffle prizes, nothing. I'm glad the speaker was good. And the treats were good. :-) Afterwards I started trimming the jelly roll strips I bought in Chicago in April. I am making a quilt for my nephew and his bride but the strips are 2 1/2" wide and I need them to be 2" for the patchwork. I already have the flying geese finished. I use the Quilt in a Day Flying Geese Rulers. I love Eleanor Burns - that woman is worth every penny she has ever made. I finished 96 geese in 4 1/2 hours - cutting, sewing, pressing.
I'm not working today, it will be my day with Mom - groceries, clean out the fridge, fill up the pills, do a load of laundry, get rid of the garbage, bring her to the foot nurse. Then she'll come home with me for supper.
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