It was originally equipped with a red, fake leather band. Which lasted about two weeks. Seriously - that's no joke. Two weeks. On one of my adventures with Beach Girl Diane to a quilt show somewhere in the USA, I found twill tape printed as a measuring tape. That self-made watchband lasted almost 10 years, but it truly needed replacing this year. And what did I do as soon as the new band was installed? I dropped the watch on a ceramic tile floor. 🫣 Had to take it in to the watchmakers and get new guts installed, which cost me $65.00. How much was the original watch, you ask? About $20.00. (we will not add on the $5000 wedding trip cost).
This was a fun quilt I worked on last winter. Love, love, love those borders.
- replaced 2/3 cup flour with Whole Wheat Flour.
- for the buttermilk I used leftover whey from when I made yogurt a few days ago. There wasn't quite enough so I topped it up with sour cream.
- I whizzed up a handful of walnuts in the food processor and added them to the mix, for the Omega 3's. If "bad" food is on the menu I can at least try to get some good cholesterol, right?
- Slightly smaller size - I made 12 biscuits. Although that didn't help much, as we still managed to eat all of them in the space of about 30 hours.