Wide Backings

Monday, January 12, 2015

One Quilt Two Ways

I always find it fascinating to see the same quilt done with a slight variation in colour.  These two gals are friends who have been making the same quilt(s). One of them also has an extra border to increase the size.

This is one of my own.  This puppy cost me ten bucks last summer as a penalty when I did NOT get it completed for the guild UFO Challenge. Lord willing, and the creek don't rise * I will finish the quilting today and get back to customer quilts tomorrow.  * I'm not sure where that expression came from but it seems to cover all possibilities for excuse.
I am in charge of the Block of the Month for the Caledonia Guild this month.  I gave the girls the pattern for this Goose in the Pond block and requested they make them up in 'spring' colours.  These are the three blocks I am submitting for the draw.  The lucky winner will get 25 blocks - enough for a King size quilt once they add sashing & borders. Ooh, I have a serious fondness for this block.
This is the commission quilt I made a few years ago with this block. 
Ah, look at that blue sky and green grass.  Summertime.  It finally warmed up enough here yesterday for us to go for a walk.  The forecast, however, is calling for a return of the deep freeze tonight (-17c, feels like -27c).  Every day I think "hmm, I should probably shave my legs this month".  And then I don't.  If it's too cold for the dog to go to the groomer, it's too cold for me too.  I have now had THREE events cancelled this winter due to weather.  Dinner with Jean, Jane & Teresa was delayed once, then last week TWO lunch dates with the Beach Girls because of blowing snow & closed highways around Goderich & Owen Sound.  We are going to try that meet-up in Kitchener again this week.  Hopefully Mother Nature will have some sympathy.


  1. If your blocks are any indication, That Goose In The Pond quilt is going to be gorgeous! And I wouldn't worry about shaving your legs quite yet - every little bit of insulation helps when it's this cold out...

  2. love the blocks, colors are yummy. Don't worry about the shaving of your legs, we say here at the office the first one to shave is a quitter! That's what tights are for :)


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