Wide Backings

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

First Ladies Quilt and 2015 UFO Challenge

This was the last customer quilt I finished in 2014.  The pattern is First Ladies and was done as a block-of-the-month at Quilt Junction in Waterford.  You should know by now how much I love sampler quilts.

What a treat for ME with all that empty space.
I don't like to play favorites, but this is my favorite pic.

I did a basic cross-hatch in the dark blue floral because the quilting doesn't really show.

That cross-hatch sure looks pretty on the back, though.

The 2015 UFO* Challenge with Margaret & Nancy has been established.  Every two months Margaret will pull a number out of her ______ .  OK, we'll say HAT.  For Jan/Feb I have already told her I'm doing #1.  The quilting was done on my New Year's Holiday, so now the binding will be my big issue for the next two months.

Item & Challenge Details
1    Blooming 9-patch    Needs quilting & binding.
2    Bowtie Quilt    TFUQ.**  Fail from 2014.
3    Double Wedding Ring    Work on another row.
4    Piece ‘O Cake Applique    Hand applique.  Complete one block for the challenge.  Fail from 2014.
5    Apple Core by JAWS ***    Use the die and make something.
6    Charla’s 10" Asian batiks    Add triangles to opposite corners and make a top.

* If you don't know what UFO stands for, you are probably reading this blog by mistake.  If you are curious, though, it stands for UnFinishedObject.  We quilters usually have many of these, being creative-minded and all that.
** If you don't know what TFUQ stands for, see the sidebar on the right. 
*** If you don't know what JAWS is, see the tabs way up at the top of the blog.  You can rent JAWS, if you like.  He's cheap, and a real cut-up.  ha ha.


  1. Hello Helen Mary. I'm piecing this quilt and have been trying to figure out how to quilt it. I'm a hand quilter, and when I ran across your work, it took my breath away. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! I was wondering if the patterns you used are your "inventions" or if they are commercially available. Thanks for your response.

    1. Thanks Darby! The feather design is by My Creative Stitches - I used the Decatur Feather set. You can check it out at www.mycreativestitches.net


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