Wide Backings

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Day project and Year End Stash Report 2014

Here is the runner I made with my long-distance sewing enthusiasts the other day.  I'm really happy with the way it turned out.  A link to the Quick Curve Ruler is here.

Yesterday I started binding the Tumbler placemats, so I will finish those today.

Next, I will add a border to the sides of this quilt, then call it finished.  It's a weird (in my opinion) size right now at 90 x 101.  The 101 length is good for a queen size bed - allowing for a nice drop at the foot and enough for a wee pillowtuck.  A width of 90" gives a 15" drop on each side.  That will shrink up to probably 13" after quilting.  Then it will shrink more after it's washed (using 80/20 batting, eventually).  So... I think I'll add 5" to each side making this a square quilt.  Then I can FINALLY tick this off the 2014 UFO Challenge chart.  I asked Margaret for permission to tick it off after I found it and ironed it the other day.  Ha ha.

I also have to find a bit of time for some lovin' and playin'.  
And now... (insert very theatrical musical interlude.  Use your imagination.)


Used December 20.1 m
Used YTD         89.05 m
Added December  6 m (totally not my fault - a ticket winner from guild)
Added YTD     125.75 m
NET 2014         36.7 m added

I'm also making a half-assed resolution, to get more fit this year.  There is a forum thread at Machine Quilters Resource for Plank exercises.  If I read (notice that lovely word "IF") the daily reminder I could (really, I could) get OFF my chair and do my plank.  That's what I did this morning although it didn't work yesterday and hopefully it's what I'll do tomorrow.  Geez, talk about setting myself up for failure. This comment is totally FULL of non-commitment (is that a word?).


  1. Looks like someone wants to play fetch!

    Your runner looks great as do your placemats.

  2. Your tablerunner is very pretty.. I like your 2014 UFO quilt too. Good luck on your goals for 2015.


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