Wide Backings

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Blooming 9-Patch, Adult Entertainment in the Winter, Stash Report

The Blooming 9-Patch which has been on my UFO list for a long, long, time is now pieced AND quilted AND labeled.  I just need to hand sew the binding.

This is the quilt where I ran out of the butterfly fabric and one of my lovely (!) blog readers sent me some in the mail.  I've seen a zillion of these quilts and they are ALL so pretty.

I used up some "fuglies" on the back.

This is such a busy quilt pattern that I just used a pantograph on it.

Um, no.  This is not X-rated.  Not in your wildest dreams.  You will see that this photo includes old guys in baseball caps, cabbage (both red and green), and bagged apples. And there is kale in the box, which is kind of hard to see.

Oh, look.  Another old guy in a baseball cap.  And a lot MORE bagged apples.

What the hell???  More guys, more caps (although two guys are being a little, shall we say DARING by wearing touques), and more apples.
DH and I went to a FARM AUCTION.  We were out with friends for dinner a week ago, and Ann (of Jumps R Us fame) was telling us about the produce they sell at the auction.  She must have thought I was pretty stupid, because I just didn't get the gist of what she was saying.  I kept asking "you mean a produce MARKET?" and she'd say "no, an AUCTION", and I'd say "you mean a produce MARKET?", and she'd say "no, an AUCTION", and I'd say... well, you probably get the idea of how that conversation went.

The Farm AUCTION place in Hagersville sells produce at the Friday auction.  First they auction off all the junk other items, then at 12:00 they auction off the produce. 

For example, the apples were bagged in 1/2 bushel portions.  There might be 20 bags on the skid.  The bidding went up to $4.00 per bag.  The person who bid the $4.00 can take as many or as few of those 20 bags as they want.  Then whatever is left from that 20-bag lot is up for grabs at the $4.00 price.  I grabbed ONE of the bags.

You may notice, however, that there are TWO bags on my kitchen floor.  Well, the next lot of apples sold at $3.25.  So I took another bag at $3.25.  Ann bought the whole box of cabbage (which I think was eight heads) for $2.00.  Then she foisted four of those heads on me.  I only wanted two, dammit!  The huge bag of potatoes was $3.00, and the bag of onions was $3.00.  Total expenditure was $13.25.  There will be a lot of PIES in my future.  And a lot of cabbage SOUP.


Used so far:  31.8 m
Used YTD:  31.8 m
Added this report:  000 - zero
Added YTD:  000 - zero!
Net 2015:   - 31.8 m


  1. I love your DNP! You are right, they all look great.

  2. Blooming nine patch is on my bucket list too. Yours is beautiful, they do all look amazing.

  3. This is wonderful! Great job! ~Melanie


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