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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Log Cabins, IKEA with the Beach Girls, Stash Report

I quilted two really interesting Log Cabin quilts recently.  Log Cabin blocks are so versatile, they are one of my favorites.

This one has the blocks laid out to create a spiral pattern.

This one has wonky blocks with blues running in behind.
The Beach Girls arrived on Tuesday and left on Thursday.  One of the requests was a shopping trip to IKEA, so that's where we went after Tuesday's fancy humble lunch of Tuna Casserole.  Somehow, out of the five of us, I managed to spend the most.  But I came home with the cutest little dessert/yogurt/ice cream bowls.
And a lovely new rug for the front entrance.  (I know I'll regret this come sloppy fall weather, but it's sure pretty NOW.)
And a new IKEA bag to replace the one I have misplaced.  These bags are great for hauling around three or four quilts at a time.
On Wednesday we went to Quilt Canada in St. Catharines.  The quilt shows were very good (!) and I think my favorite was the Fiber Art Network Of Western Canada show where they had two artists work on one theme.  One would be representational, and one would be abstract.  Very fun.  Here's an example...

As expected there was also a VENDORS MALL.  Oy.  My downfall.  I fell off the wagon and bought a few pretty pieces.
Used since last report:  0
Used YTD:               45.2m
Purchased since last report:  2.75m (not so bad, really)
Purchased YTD:               115.75m (yeah, this looks a little worse!)
Net YTD:                          + 70.55

I can knock this down a little bit when I get my last SCRAPPY quilt quilted.  If only I could get away from the internet.  :-)


  1. Nice bowls and your new rug is pretty. Perhaps you can put something else there for the sloppy winters. I went to St. Catharines yesterday. It was a tad "quilt overload" for me. I didn't even take many photos.

  2. LOVED the FAN show.....fabulous concept and amazingly executed....impressive, I think it was my favorite as well


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