Wide Backings

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Breaking Bread and Flying Herons

I was surfing Pinterest one night and got fixated on Pita Bread.
I used THIS recipe.  It looks like my 'rounds' need a little more rounding.
Ooh, weird looking pitas.  Tasty, though.  The recipe makes 8 pitas, so the remaining dough is in the fridge (it'll keep for a week).  I found the PERFECT size of Tupperware, but now 2 days later, the dough is going to bust out of it's confines.  Apparently, it keeps rising even though it's refrigerated.  When I bake the other 4 I'm going to try the oven at 500 instead of 450 and see if they puff a little more consistently.  More thin-ness and more heat seem to be the tricks.  Fast - only 3 minutes in the oven!!
DH has been in the garage, all artsy-fartsy-like.
I find metalwork incredibly hard to photograph.  This guy will be gorgeous when it's finally installed hanging over the edge of a pond.  He's a big bastard - the wing span is over 5 feet.
The slipcovers went on hold for a few days while I got this quilted.  I'll show you the quilting next week, after the customer has seen it.
Coming up this week, I have the Scrappy Club all day Monday, then the other guild has the year-end pot luck Monday night.  note to self:  decide what to bring!!!!  I must call the doc's office and arrange for my semi-annual Prolia shot (osteoporosis.  sigh.)  Hairdresser on Wednesday so I stop looking like a Wookie.  And finish the slipcovers.

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