Wide Backings

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Clear the Decks

Mmm... pretty sampler!

Feathers in conjunction with straight lines and diamonds.

Feathered wreath inside the sampler blocks.
This is about 14 miles of welt cording.  OK, I'm lying.  It's only 3000".  Two hundred and fifty feet.

I have cleared the deck of quilting jobs over the next 2 weeks so I can make two slipcovers for a couple of 3-seater sofas.  One has 3 seat cushions, and the other has 3 seat cushions AND 3 back cushions.  One cushion down, 8 to go...
At the May guild meeting in Binbrook I scored a dozen Dresden Plates.  Sweet!  A former member had sent in several piles of 12.  I would gladly have taken another dozen, but I had to be NICE and SHARE.  Pfftt.
Out in the garden I'm starting to harvest lettuce.  And chives, of course.  We had a couple feeds of asparagus and now I'm leaving it to go to foliage for the rest of the season. The past several years the cucumbers have been the sh*ts terrible.  Some fungus has apparently moved into the garden soil and makes the vines wither up and die, so I'm trying a new plan this year.  I have moved a very LARGE pot on to the patio and I've put the cukes in there, along with a couple of cayenne pepper plants.  We'll see how that works out.  I also put a 14" pot for an assortment of lettuce, cilantro, chives, dill, and garlic near the back door.  It makes it much handier when I'm at the stove and just need a wee bit of whatever.

A large Rubbermaid tote full of raspberry canes was donated to me, so DH planted those yesterday.  Yum - I can't wait to start harvesting those babies!  If I don't eat them all fresh off the vine I may have to try the Chocolate/Raspberry Jam from Judy Laquidera's blog.  LINK

Last weekend I got the outside doors painted.  Today, if it doesn't rain, I'll be tackling the trim.  I had to visit the paint store for another liter of primer because the old can had turned a weird pale green colour.  And, I will finish two more cushion covers.  I am working the weekend because the Beach Girls are coming to visit for a few days.  As a rule, our get-togethers involve lots of talking and giggling and often includes a bit of falling-asleep-on-the-couch.  We will be heading to St. Catharines for QUILT CANADA.  If the gods are smiling, Diane will be taking home another big fat ribbon to hang on her wall.  We'll see...


  1. Your quilting is beautiful.....as always!

  2. Your cushions look great! That really is a lot of welted cording. I have called it piping also, but this is the correct term for it...welted cording. Have fun with the project. That is major sewing. Love your Dresdens. very pretty.
    What is a raspberry cane? Never heard of that term. (celiaambrose@hotmail.com)

    1. Celia, 'canes' is what the raspberry stalks are called.


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