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Saturday, March 29, 2014

the Current Sad State of my UFOs and the Stash Report

Why do I do this to myself?  You probably can't answer that.  You are probably just as bad.  Are we scatterbrained?  ADHD?  Forgetful?

This half-hexagon has been in the works for a couple of years.  I am now committed to finishing by June 11th or it will cost me $10 at the Caledonia Guild. The original plan was for it to be a King Size quilt, but the last time I laid it out... I dunno.  It might be substantially smaller.  I double and triple checked my math and it should measure out the way I planned, but based on what is left to sew it just doesn't seam seem right.  The original plan was for a summer quilt for the bed.  Time will tell.  I know this will be nice when it's all together, but it is so. darned. boring.

This is the Three Dudes quilt I'm working on at the Scrappy Club.  It should have been started late February, but I hurt my back and couldn't make myself go to the club.  Couldn't pick up my sewing machine, actually.  Which makes it pretty hard to go to a sewing event.  So, it got started March 24th.  To be continued April 28th.

The Batik Cats were collected a looong time ago.  This is on my UFO challenge with Margaret and Nancy.  I have until the end of April to get this top together.  The sashing is all cut so this should sew up pretty quickly.

And, now for the DWR that I started at retreat.  Ha ha ha ha ha hahahahah....  This will be going on for a long, long time.
I am attending MQX in April.  The gal I'm going with is in classes every single day.  All day.  Wednesday through Saturday. By the time 5 o'clock rolls around she will be so brain dead she won't be able to carry on a conversation.  She will  just point to the item on the menu that she wants for supper and then fall asleep in her appetizers.  I am going to deal with the isolation by bringing my sewing machine, AND my projects.  When I'm not in the bar picking up stray men (ha ha, not likely at a quilt show where the men are mostly a little, um, not Kevin Costner-ish.  Besides, DH would never approve.)  I will work on this stuff.

Sadly, only finished items get reported here.
Used this month:  0 m
Used YTD:         23.75m
Added this month: 0 m
Added YTD:         2.25m
Net YTD:          -21.5m


  1. I like those projects you are working on. I'm especially partial to the batik cats.
    I think we all suffer from Quilting ADD :) I've never seen a pattern that shouldn't be made or fabric that shouldn't be used...right now!...no matter what else I'm doing.

  2. Your DWR is going to be lovely! Have fun at MQX--you'll probably get so many new ideas that you'll be even further behind! Maybe men in the bar might be a good idea :-).

  3. It is so hard to finish a quilt that we aren't in love with. Good luck meeting your deadlines.

  4. Regarding the boring half-hexie....pay the $10 and to heck with finishing it! You tried it and didn't like it. I recently ran across an unfinished twin-bed sized PINK scrappy Friendship Star flimsy in my UFOs. It had to be at least fifteen years old. PINK??? What WAS I thinking?? I'm not a "Pink" kind of person. So I cut it into two parts, added a row to the smaller portion and made two Project Linus blankets that a couple of little girls will be thrilled to receive. Moral of the story? The half-hexies will tell you what they want to be in their own good time. Quilting is supposed to be fun, not drudgery.


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