Wide Backings

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Flying Geese Pinwheels and Scrappy Sewing

I enjoyed every minute working on this quilt.  This winter there has been sooo much white.  Freezing, face-pelting snow.  For MONTHS now.  This, on the other hand, is white and bright
These kinds of colours make me stare longingly at my sandals in the front hall closet.  Seriously.  I'm not kidding.  I open the closet to get my sweater, coat, scarf, ear muffs, hat, mitts and boots so I can go down the driveway and get the mail.  As I'm standing there I look at the sandals, reach out to stroke one gently, get a little lost in my head and go to my happy place.  Aaah...

But I digress. 
I quilted this with the cutest (!) cupcake pantograph.

Here's a music quilt that was treated to the perfect music pantograph.

Believe it or not, there have been THREE social events in my life this week, and none of them were cancelled due to weather.  It made me feel that shaving my legs last week (for the first time in about 6 weeks.  It was starting to itch.) was totally worth it!!

Monday was the Scrappy Club at the Caledonia guild.  I like to wear my very special sewing watch to guild events.  Purchased in Hong Kong last year.  The original watch band lasted about, oh, three hours.  Then the paint started peeling off the, um, leather (?).  I found this twill tape at a quilt show, printed with measuring tape pattern, so I made my own band.  So far it has lasted WAY longer than the original.

Here's what I was working on.
On Tuesday I met Jean and Jane at IKEA where we enjoyed a cheap an economical supper.  I'd post the selfies I took, but they'd kill me.  Yeah.  Not flattering.  :-)

I needed to replenish the glassware in the kitchen.  It's been a long, hard, winter (sorry, I already said that, didn't I?) and I was able to get another gross of matching wine glasses.  Now I can stop drinking from empty jam jars and put them out with the recycles.

On Wednesday the guild had an extra UFO day, so I was working on the challenge quilt we have going with the Caledonia, NY guild.  The top is finished but I can't post photos - it's a surprise.  Then I headed over to the County office and paid my property taxes.  Using my credit card.  Who knew?  I collect points so this works out perfectly in my favour.  More points = more shoes.


  1. I love your flying geese quilt! It's beautiful!! Down here in Australia we are headed towards Winter and I can't wait!

  2. It's been a hard, cold, snowy winter here in SW Pennsylvania, too; I feel your longing for Spring. Love your comment about shaving your legs! I haven't done mine in at least three months because my skin gets so DRY and itchy if I do. I can't wait for it to be warm enough to wear skirts again!

  3. You have a wicked sense of humor, and I enjoy reading your blog because often I end up either laughing or at least smiling. I am in South Dakota, and our winter has seemed endless as well.

  4. HI, I enjoyed your post. Would you mind sharing the name of the music pantograph. It's perfect for the quilting I am pieceing at the moment. Thank you!

  5. That's from One Song Needle Arts. The pattern is #4474, Panto-Music 2.


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