Wide Backings

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring is coming...

Winter moved in before I was completely finished with the fall cleanup.  Gah!  Straggly leftover peony detritus.
Yesterday was such a NICE day I was walking without boots.  Wearing a spring jacket.  Itching to give the garden clippers a workout.

Much better!!  All the junk has been cut off and clipped up into shreds, left to decompose.  I am too lazy to get the wheelbarrow environmentally friendly to dispose of garden clippings.

I like my peonies to look a little blowzy.  Yes, these really are my peonies.  From last June.

Personally, I don't like peonies looking like they are in jail.  (No, these are NOT my peonies.  Poor little things.)

DH makes the BEEonies.  If I were more on the ball I could make sure I tuck the growing stalks into the wings a bit better.  If you want one (or more) he sells these for $100 each.  They look very cute in the winter too, if you dress them up with tacky, gold garland, or with twinkly lights.

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