Wide Backings

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Social Events

My girlfriend's daughter is heading off to college in May.  I can't let her go without a quilt, so I am using the cute little butterfly blocks (preprinted - not appliqued by me!) that I picked up in Louisville, KY.  Now I just need to find a couple of days to quilt it.  April is turning in to a rash of medical appointments.  I have to go for my bi-annual mammogram (groan...) and Mom has, so far, three appointments booked for her pacemaker replacement.  One is the pre-op, one is with the Thrombosis Clinic, and then there is the actual procedure day.  Quilting may be a bit late this month.

Before all the medical appointments popped up on my calendar, I had arranged with Jean, Jane & Teresa to take them bowling.  None of them wanted to go.  So... clockwise from top left: Teresa is humouring me.  Jane is crying because she just broke her thumbnail.  Me in the worst photo ever taken - joyful that I just bowled a spare.  Jean is ready to roar (actually, pretending she is the good bowler from the next lane).  Like my family on my birthday, these silly girls forgot they were supposed to let me win.  After I reminded them, they kindly started throwing gutter balls.  I love my friends. 

I had a date with my s.i.l. to go shoe shopping to celebrate her first day of 'retirement'.  We had made that date over a couple of Kamikazeeberry martinis (which were very good, by the way), before her hubby decided to move across the country with his employer.  She & I had to cancel our date because now she is in the midst of preparing to relocate 3300 km away.  But I had a DSW coupon for $20 that was burning a hole in my pocket.  And it had an expiry date.  I called up my friend Sue to check if she was busy.  I started at Walden Galleria Mall's DSW store with 2 pair of shoes, and worked my way up to 4 bras at Kohls, and covered everything in between.  Also got 2 lipsticks.  Even Sue got a pair of shoes, and she's not a shoe lover (which I TOTALLY do not understand).
  • lunch at the Cheesecake Factory.  Including cheesecake.
  • 2 pair shoes
  • 3 pair jeans
  • 4 t-shirts
  • 2 sweaters
  • 1 sweater set
  • 1 bathing suit (sh*t I HATE trying on swimsuits)
  • 1 shirt
  • 4 bras
  • 2 lipsticks
  • emergency rations at Arbys
This was a really good week that I won't be able to duplicate for quite some time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Helen! I can not believe that you posted pictures of us bowling. We surprised ourselves and had so much fun bowling, but maybe it was just the getting together. What a laugh.


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