Wide Backings

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Four Patch Posie, Stash Report, UFO report, Garden update

I am way behind in posting quilt photos.  This is a Four-Patch Posie one of the gals made at the Binbrook retreat last year.

As usual, I just love the back.

When DH starts supper, somebody thinks I should be upstairs supervising.  Sadie does this every time, without fail.  I can hear her little dog brain saying "Mom, Mom, GET UP HERE.  IT'S SUPPERTIME.

She makes me laugh with her odd little habits. She has taken to going back to bed in the morning after she has her constitutional. I guess she has figured out that nothing much goes on, with me working downstairs all day. When she hears me shut Floyd off at lunchtime she'll get up and go outside to patrol the perimeter for a round or two. She also knows when I shut Floyd off in late afternoon, there is a good chance we are going for a walk.  She'll start prancing around the front hall as soon as she hears the switch.  Her birthday is in a week and a half - she'll be four.  And still thinks that every person who comes to the house is there just to play with her.

Enough about the dog...

STASH REPORT (March 31st - I'm a few days behind on this too.)
Used this month  4.7 m
Used YTD         26.1 m
Added this month   0  m
Added YTD       15.1 m
Net 2011           - 11 m

Check my UFO page for the April info.

Why am I behind on everything (including my taxes, but that is a story for another day)?  Gardening season is creeping up.  My seeds from March 23rd are mostly sprouted.  Today I started Leeks, Mesclun Mix, and this very interesting Purple Millet.  Hopefully the 7 (yes SEVEN) seeds will all sprout.  No wonder these are $20 per pot at the garden centre.

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