Wide Backings

Monday, March 28, 2011

Civil War Sampler & movie review

This is a bit of a repeat, in the sense that two of my customers took the same class.  Beautiful quilt though.  I quilted them differently in many respects - this one has a feather theme, where the earlier quilt had a floral theme.  There is lots of stitch in the ditch on both of them.

Last Wednesday we were supposed to have a UFO Sewing Day at the Caledonia Guild, but Mother Nature decided we should all stay home and take a snow/ice day instead.  The stupid snow STILL hasn't melted.  This pic was Wednesday morning - you can see where DH dug through the drift to get out and retrieve his newspaper.  There is a Mourning Dove hiding from the elements on the shovel.  Stupid bird.  They are so fat, with their tiny little pinheads, I expect to see them rolling around like a bowling ball.  I'm not sure how they stay upright?  They often huddle near the front door, then we all scare each other when the door is opened.
I spent the day taking a nice long girly bath and actually reading a whole magazine.  Then a leisurely lunch of leftovers, followed by work in the afternoon. In the evening I started some spring seeds - tomatoes, lettuce, cilantro and, um,... hmph.  I forget.  Basil??  I was on a fresh greens kick.  I may start some beet seeds too, for pretty little beet leaves.  I like to torture DH with "weird food" sometimes.  Bad wife, bad.

Last night we went to see Lincoln Lawyer with Matthew McConaughey.  Entertaining flic, not too much blood & gore.  A few scenes where Matthew was (in my opinion) overacting, but hey - he is still nice to look at.  So I forgive him.  Yup - worth the admission.

UFO Update:  there is a pic of my finished MARCH UFO on the UFO page.  Woo Hoo!!  March 28th and I have 3 UFOs completed.


  1. I like the way you have quilted each block differently. So much work. I also like your UFO page. I think I need to do something like that myself to keep me on track.

  2. Your work is so beautiful and you have a marvelous blog. Thank you so much for sharing with your fellow quilters (and fellow daughters of 90 yr old mothers ...). You made my day.


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