Welcome to my life. I quilt, I garden, I cook. Sometimes I read. You may hear the occasional complaint.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Quilts & Dogs & Ticks
Monday, June 29, 2009
Family visit
My poor dog has had TWO huge ticks - the size of a bean. The last one we pulled off seems to have left a very tender lump on her neck so she's going to see Dr. Vinny this morning. In my new (used) car. Happy, happy happy.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunbonnet Sue & Machine Repair
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
more wedding pics
Monday, June 22, 2009
Here comes the bride....
I had a hangover the size of Texas on Sunday. I spent most of the day on the patio reading a book, getting a sunburn. Now I'm in self imposed rehab, giving my liver a few days off. I was very well behaved at the wedding. But there is always ONE person who is not, so there was lots of puke that needed to be cleaned up. Oddly enough, no one ended up in the pond? I had a bet going with Betty - she was certain there would be a dunk before midnight while I thought it would be after twelve. We were both wrong.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wedding Today & Drunkard's Path Quilt
I've finished the Paducah Challenge Drunkard's Path quilt too. Finally. I'm really pleased with the way the quilting turned out. I made paper cutouts of the heart shape and pinned them to the quilt. That kept the shapes consistent, 'cause my freehand hearts are ALL different.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Anatomy of a Thought
Home Movies In Your Head
Last week I had dinner with Jean, Jane & Teresa. We've been doing this several times a year for (OMG) 15 years or so??? We are usually celebrating a birthday or two and usually have silly small gifts for each other. On this occasion Jean got each of us a Burt's Bees Hair Care Kit. Jane, normally pretty circumspect (I mean, she was wearing two strands of pearls, for goodness sake!), put the shower cap on in the restaurant to demonstrate it's use to Teresa.
This morning I opened up the hair care package and was reading about the conditioner. You must shampoo it out with a natural shampoo containing NO sodium laurel sulphate. So I thought about my Orvus Paste which is down in the basement, which I use for washing quilts. Too far to go so early in the morning, so I've put off using the conditioner for another day. Anyways... this brought to mind organics and recycling. This brought to mind Jean (who had gifted us with the BB conditioner stuff) and our old days together in the Bank. And the video she made about recycling. This was some kind of a corporate competition, if I recall, where companies could make a video to promote recycling. Jean thought this was a DANDY idea, so she and Ron Brandow, with me as the useless assistant, made this funky video showing people how they could Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. One part of the video was scripted to be Jean in her car in the parking lot, noticing trash flying across the pavement. She is supposed to stop the car, get out and pick up the garbage. The actual video showed Jean pulling into the lot, seeing the flying papers and parking her car. She gets out to pick up the garbage. Unfortunately, her car was not exactly in PARK and started rolling away. She had to go running after the car, while not dropping the garbage. I was upstairs in the bathroom this morning laughing at the memory. See? Home Movies in Your Head.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Broken Stuff
Where, oh where have I been all week?
Here is how I marked the wavy border on my Paducah Challenge quilt. Mark it first, then quilt it, then trim it to the wave shape.
More digging in the garden. The chives are finally all out. But never fear!! I still have lots and lots around the yard and in the farmer's field. Timmy Toad was helping.
We had the yummy 5 can soup with a loaf of bread. Unfortunately the bread maker quit part way through it's job. I had to knead this stuff the old fashioned way... by hand. Imagine!
What else has broken this week? Hmmm...
What else has broken this week? Hmmm...
- my car
- two weed whackers
- the effluent pump in the basement
- Floyd had to be retimed because he would not pick up any stitches
- my garden fork which I use to dig everything. DH has now welded it three times.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Drunkards Path and Thistles
Afternoon and evening was spent in the cutting garden.
I'm at the mid-way point. Past it, really.
Spending hours and hours alone in the garden, listening to the birds, gives your mind a chance to really wander. To very weird places. Yesterday I was pondering worms, which I love. In the garden. The next time you see a thief digging up your lawn to steal your worms, don't necessarily think it's a fisherman. I was thinking about death. You know, if I died today was my yesterday a good last day? (yes, it was) I was thinking about a gal I used to work with and haven't seen in 25 years. Wondering what happened to her and thinking maybe I should 'google' her. I was watching the birds enjoy the birdbath and thinking that I should put a birdbath somewhere back here in the garden. I was cursing the snails and trying to kill them really fast so I didn't inflict undue terror on them. (huh??? Yeah, seriously.) And I was singing a Beatles tune in my head for a long time. Now I can't remember what the song was. I was thinking about my niece, who should be coming home from Singapore soon, for her brother's wedding. I miss knowing she's close, even though I only saw her for family events. Well, now that I've given you THAT little slice of my brain... have a great Sunday!
longarm tools,
Friday, June 5, 2009
Soup recipe
Today, instead of showing you eye candy I'm going to give you a nutritious recipe. We had this at the Kawartha Retreat at Margaret's in April. This is a super easy soup, kinda like mom always made. It starts with.... a can of soup. :-)
Use a large pot.
1 can Minestrone Soup
1 small can diced tomatoes
1 can mixed veggies of your choice
1 can of either black or kidney beans
1 can niblets corn
optional: add any cooked meat you have hanging around in the fridge (sausage, turkey, leftover hamburgers, whatever)
Heat & serve with a dusting of Parmesan Cheese in each bowl.
We had this with Parmesan Toast. Very tricky - one piece buttered toast (we used leftover french loaf), dust with parmesan cheese, heat in toaster oven.
Use a large pot.
1 can Minestrone Soup
1 small can diced tomatoes
1 can mixed veggies of your choice
1 can of either black or kidney beans
1 can niblets corn
optional: add any cooked meat you have hanging around in the fridge (sausage, turkey, leftover hamburgers, whatever)
Heat & serve with a dusting of Parmesan Cheese in each bowl.
We had this with Parmesan Toast. Very tricky - one piece buttered toast (we used leftover french loaf), dust with parmesan cheese, heat in toaster oven.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Pattern for the Sarah Christianne quilt
The pattern is available from:
Quilts & Calico
15 John E, Exeter, Ontario
N0M 1S4
p: 519-235-4856
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Can it be??? Three UFO's complete???
Heh, heh, heh. The UFO's are getting knocked off one, two, three. See my list in the sidebar? Can you hear the wicked witch of the west screaming "I'm shrinking, auugghhhhh!!!!"
Dirty Dozen, finished. Including the 70-some yo-yo's. What was I thinking????

Bluework boys, finished. Well, almost. This just needs binding, and on the bindall it should be quick.
The Quilt From Hell, finished. I almost wore out my Janet Lee's Favorite on this. (sorry - lingo - that's a longarm ruler)
Binding in progress, then a label. This is actually called Sarah Christianne and it's a pattern by my friend Mary Anne Charlton.
It is a replica of a quilt made by her mom and has been very popular in the Strathroy/London area.
This morning I took mom downstairs at 'the home' to see the foot guy. He cuts her nails & files down corns and all that FUN foot stuff. (And it's true - he really does teach ballroom dancing on the side.) But that was not the point of this story. My car turned 190,000 km on my way home and I actually SAW the odometer turn over. Usually I see milestones like this about 3 km later. Then I say "DARN, I MISSED IT!!!" But this time I actually saw it. Cool, eh? Yes I know, small things amuse small minds.
This morning I took mom downstairs at 'the home' to see the foot guy. He cuts her nails & files down corns and all that FUN foot stuff. (And it's true - he really does teach ballroom dancing on the side.) But that was not the point of this story. My car turned 190,000 km on my way home and I actually SAW the odometer turn over. Usually I see milestones like this about 3 km later. Then I say "DARN, I MISSED IT!!!" But this time I actually saw it. Cool, eh? Yes I know, small things amuse small minds.
guild program,
longarm quilting,
longarm tools,
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