Thursday, October 9, 2008

Quilt of Valor & UFO Update

Today was the Caledonia Guild day. Sewing all day, catered supper, then our evening meeting. A whole day for me to do something I love, with some of the best people on earth - lucky me!

We stitched up the Quilt of Valor (being Canadian, I really want to spell it VALOUR - we like our "U" 's up here).

Barb, who owns our local quilt shop has generously agreed to donate batting for the quilt.


And after the job was finished, I managed to FINALLY get the borders on this UFO from 2000. Now it is ready for quilting. There was some discussion taking place about this quilt as the girls were congratulating me on completing it.
  • It needs another border (NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!)
  • Boy meets girl, then they end up divorced - hence the two houses.
  • The quilt needs a dog somewhere
  • Applique the dog taking a piddle under the tree.


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