Wide Backings

Monday, June 12, 2017

That Crazy 365 Quilt, and garden update

This is the Crazy 365 Quilt.  (crazy is my word, not really the name of the quilt)  A block per day for a whole year.  The little ones are only 3" x 3".

Never in my life would I make a quilt like this.  Kudos to all the crazy quilters who did.

This gal likes blue, so here's number two quilt.

Those ice cream cones are too stinkin' cute.

Sigh.  The garden.
Here's a view from the east.  The cutting garden is on the left, with the veggie bed on the right.  Food seems to be creeping into the cutting garden though.  Last year it was the tomatoes & strawberries.  This year it's butternut squash & the same strawberries.

The zucchini seeds are up!!!

The beans are under chicken wire for a while to protect them from the stupid rabbits.  They were cavorting on the lawn - two of them - while I was taking these pics.  Little bastards.

Yes, look closely here and you will see TOILET PAPER ROLLS.  No.  Not in case I have an, um, emergency.  They are around celery plants, and will, I hope, keep the dirt out of the stalks.  We'll see.  This is an experiment.

Yippee, yippee, yippee - a red strawberry!!!

We've been eating more than our fair share of asparagus.  I pick a few stalks every day, which gives us enough for supper about every three days.  Step 1 - wash and trim off the bottom of the stalks.

Step 2 - put them in a container with some water in the bottom.  Cover with a baggie and store in the fridge.

We'll be getting plenty of lettuce now too.  This gets a fresh trim at the bottom stem.  Then I swaddle it gently in a damp paper towel, and then the plastic bag.  This is an old trick of mom's.  It keeps for an amazingly long time this way.


  1. I've got another 365 on the longarm today, it's a beauty!...but I don't know how these quilter's kept at it

    1. I'm sure it took a serious amount of determination.

  2. I think we have your rabbit bastard's NY relatives here in our garden along with their dang deer friends who eat my strawberry plants.

    1. Ohhh, I don't want to hear about strawberry-eating deer.

  3. Both quilts are beautiful, but I really like the blue and yellow, and I love the ice cream cones! Congrats on the strawberry . . . here's to many more!


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