Wide Backings

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sampler in Black & White, Asparagus Recipe

I can't make up my mind what I love more - the Black & White part, or the Sampler part.

This quilt was interesting to work on because in spite of the "modern" appearance, the maker requested the quilting be done in a more "traditional" style.

I tried to accommodate her request for 1/4" outline quilting as much as possible.

 Many places required MORE quilting (in my opinion) so I used straight lines to continue the mood.

Some curves were needed too, to soften the hard, angular edges.

Yum.  I love curved piecing.

If I live to be one hundred I probably won't figure out how to effectively photograph black quilts, so hopefully you can see the quilting of borders, etc., on the grey backing.

I try to blog weekly, but that doesn't always pan out.  The last few weeks have, um, challenged my serenity.  DH and I took his truck to his brother's shop for some major repair work, which ended up taking three weeks due to some unforseen circumstances.  During that three weeks hubby and I were a one car family.  Working at home is great for such occurrences but my ZEN mentality requires a weekly reboot at my yoga class.  Which didn't happen.
Thankfully, the Universe provided me with a love of gardening, so I spent many hours out in the mud, and occasionally the rain, weeding and  planting... side dressing with the occasional curse word.
If you want the lowdown, I have planted:

  • 2 jalapeno peppers
  • 10 sweet peppers
  • 8 lettuce
  • 8 celery
  • 6 cabbage
  • 20 tomatoes (4 different varieties)
  • a dozen garlic plants transplanted, and six clumps given away
  • a lonely potato volunteer transplanted beside the other potato volunteer
  • beet seeds
  • bean seeds
  • pea seeds
  • zucchini seeds! 👍
  • butternut squash seeds
  • basil seeds
  • Thai basil seeds
  • flower seeds, several varieties
Planting asparagus a few years ago is paying off in such a wonderful way!  (mind you, I'll be sick of it by the end of June)  Try this... sooo good! 
If you are too lazy to click on the link, here is the recipe.

Asparagus/Tuna Pasta
from Outoftheoffice.com

100g dried pasta- we prefer bowties for this recipe
  • 2 bunches asparagus, trimmed, cut into 2cm lengths
  • 425g can tuna in olive oil, drained, flaked
  • 1 cup thin cream or PHILADELPHIA cooking cream (low fat works too) 
  • 2 teaspoons lemon zest
  • squeeze lemon juice as desired
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 brown or red onion- finely diced
  • 2-3 cloves minced garlic
  • fresh parmesan cheese for garnish

Cook pasta in a pot of salted water, until al-dente- and set aside.
In a separate pan- add oil, minced garlic, onion and chopped asparagus. Lightly fry for approx 5 minutes.
Add cream, lemon zest and tuna.
Toss pasta through the sauce
Add a small squeeze of lemon juice and a generous shaving of fresh parmesan cheese. Salt & pepper to taste.


  1. This is my first year planting zucchini, so I'll be watching to see how you use yours!

  2. Your gardening rundown always totally amazes me. My version of gardening is to visit the farmer's market . . .


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