Wide Backings

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Spring has Sprung

I was pretty bummed out last week when I realized this was the end of my raspberries from the freezer.  It will probably be another two months before I'll be picking new ones.  Several days later I was poking around to see if I had any frozen cake frosting (which is kind of funny, when you think about it) and discovered another tupperware full of raspberries.  Yay - lunch for another few weeks!

Last year's kale managed to overwinter.  I chopped up some of this to extend the Mixed Chinese Vegetables from leftover Chinese food on DH's birthday.  I would not make him eat kale on his birthday, but two days later all bets were off. 😊

Yesterday I harvested seven spears of asparagus!  Woo hoo!!

I have two lettuce plants growing under cloches.

Two more cloches have cabbage seedlings.

The peas have sprouted.  Now I need to get a little cage around these so the stupid rabbit doesn't eat them all.
Last night I transplanted 30 tomato seedlings into larger pots.  Well, not pots exactly.  Large Tim Hortons coffee cups.  DH likes to go for coffee with a couple of the neighbour-menfolk.  I'm sure they think I'm insane when they find out they have to SAVE their cups for me.  I poke a few drainage holes in the bottom, drop the seedling down in the bottom of the cup, then fill it up with potting mix.  The seedling will put out roots all along the length of it's stem.  When it comes time to plant in the garden  these will have huge deep roots on them.

Garden work will have to wait for a while.  The rain is starting today (it's already raining, actually) - the forecast is for 1" tonight and another 1" tomorrow night.  
Since we've already had a TON of rain the ground is totally saturated, and everything that comes down during this storm will be runoff.  Sploosh, sploosh, sploosh.  I must remember to ask DH to poke around in the garage to see if he has a raft out there for us... just in case.

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