Wide Backings

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Minor Quilt Corrections & Followup to SOLO Meeting

This past Sunday was the semi-annual SOLO meeting (Southern Ontario Longarm Operators).  We had a big show & share, a brown bag lunch, and then we split into groups and discussed multiple topics.  Afterwards we shared a recap of our discussions with the whole group.

One of the topics of discussion was "What do you do with a quilt that has issues?"  Issues could be wonky borders, turned blocks, open seams, etc.  I was really surprised at the number of quilters who send those quilts home to be fixed.  If you've followed my blog for any length of time you know that I fix boo-boos on a regular basis.  Here's yesterdays fix.  These two blocks were both facing the wrong direction.  I caught it while the customer was still here, so we discussed it and she elected to have me fix it for her.  It ended up taking me 75 minutes to frog and restitch, which will just get added to her invoice.

Some of the other topics:

  • pricing & payment methods
  • intake process & contracts/work orders
  • cool new tools/books/rulers
The meeting closed with a discussion around the future direction of SOLO.  Since it is totally informal and meetings only happen when a brave & beloved soul decides to throw their hand up and say "I'll do the next meeting!" this was an interesting discussion.  In October we will, hopefully, be having a trunk show & lecture/demo by a well known longarm quilter.  This will mean a higher entrance charge, but will also be a great opportunity to learn something without having to travel a long distance.  Yay.

If you don't currently receive an invitation to SOLO but would like to be added to the list, send me an email.  I'm the current sucker volunteer who looks after the guest spreadsheet and the invitations.

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