Wide Backings

Friday, January 3, 2014

It's a New Year after a "Women of Courage" Quilt (& a recipe)

This Women of Courage was the final quilt for 2013, and what a beauty.
Getting all those pieces to match up with the neighbouring parts must have been quite a challenge.

As you can see, I had some nice sunny days to work on this.

Just lovely on the back.
My brother & s.i.l. came and stayed with us for a few days, and celebrated New Years.  A little too much champagne, but the girls still managed to beat the guys at Trivial Pursuit.  Even with the bastards cheating!!  Anyhoo - they are here for two weeks and roaming around like gypsies - a few days here, a few days there.  They have moved on and are staying with her family for a few days now.  Got tired of my cooking, maybe?  Nah!!!

Yesterday I was trying to clean up some of the leftovers in the fridge, so I made a pot of soup to go with the mish-mash of food.  This is from a 'family' cookbook that a friend gave me at Christmas.  Yum, yum, yum. (as you can see, I've already doctored up the recipe - necessary based on my normal refrigerator inventory).  DH really liked this, in spite of the sweet potato.  I'll get him converted yet.  (although broccoli and zucchini are still pretty difficult)

Today I'm starting on one of my TFUQs.  Happy 2014...

1 comment:

  1. Lovely quilting, and isn't it a happy moment when the sun shines at just the right angle to photograph the quilt! I am always struggling with getting good photos, probably because I live in Seattle, where it's sunny about 20 days a year....


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