Wide Backings

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Placemats and a Busy Bag & Stash Report

Sixteen placemats.  Made from THIS pattern.  I zigzagged these together in blocks of eight placemats, then loaded the whole shebang on the longarm.

After quilting I cut them apart and finished off with the binding.  Voila.  Four sets of four placemats.

For the 18-month-old Singapore great-niece who is visiting (and had her first experience with snow - ha ha), I made a Busy Bag.  From THIS tutorial.

I filled the bags with odds and ends that would amuse her and mommy (and daddy.  Pfft.  Don't be sexist!!) while they wait in the airport for hours on their way home.  I warned mommy that none of these items are rated for an 18-month-old, so she needs to supervise.
I also added a piece of chalkboard fabric to the inside cover.  That stuff is pretty neat!  One of the baggies contains chalk and a hunk of batting to use as the eraser.  (chalk is NOT poisonous, it's made from limestone.  Yay - one good choice for the bag.)

I took the same animal print as the cover fabric, and used a fusible web to bond it to a backing fabric.
Cut out the individual graphics, then slash them in half with pinking shears.  Now there is a matching game they can play.

Used this month    16.3 m
Used YTD           77.8 m
Added this month    6.6 m
Added YTD          32.6 m
Net YTD             (-45.2 m)
This is good.  Part of the 'added this month' was a fabulous collection of batiks from Singapore.  So, it's not even my fault.  :-) Woo hoo!!  Gotta love Christmas.


  1. Clever and fun matching game! Great stash report for the final week of the year -- that's got to feel good (especially since your added stash was a gift)! Yay! :)

  2. Love the busy bag you made, great ideas. S much easier to quilt one large item rather than a bunch of smaller ones. Thanks for the tips.
    Happy New Year.

  3. Great idea for keeping the youngster entertained. Mom and Dad will be close during that long trip to Singapore. Happy Holidays, Sandi

  4. That's a SUPER project, I will bookmark that! Also love your stash report.... maybe something like that will give me a reality check about the ins and outs of my sewing stash. Lately there's been way more in than out....


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