Wide Backings

Monday, March 12, 2012

This winter...

This winter has been very mild and will likely lead to an early spring.  I should be happy, right?  Huh.
This winter I broke my arm.  Then two weeks after I got the cast off I started thinking I could get my life back on track.  Nooo, the Universe has a different plan.  Mom fell and broke her hip.  While she was in the hospital I got a cold (which thankfully only lasted a week - I'm grateful for lemons and honey!!).  Now we're on a new round of appointments with the fracture clinic.  I get to push a wheelchair with my healed but sore wrist, and I get to take more time off work since none of my siblings can help.  So, I am officially declaring a little pity party for me and labeling this The Winter That Sucked Canal Water.

This past weekend was the Binbrook Guild annual retreat at Creiff Hills.  Normally I look forward to this with unbridled excitement, but if you read the previous paragraph you might figure out that I just wanted to stay home and cover my head.  I went anyways and had a good time, although I came home tired as hell.  Two weeks ago I was VERY SMART.  I planned ahead and booked a massage appointment for today because I am always twisted right up after sewing for three days straight.  Hah - the massage gal called me this morning and had to cancel because of a child-related emergency.  See previous paragraph and description of this winter.  sheesh.

My tumbler top is together and can officially go on the TFUQ list.

After I finished the tumblers I put together the Block of the Month which will be due at the end of March.  I used a new-to-me method of applique.  This is really soft since there is no fusible web involved.

  • invisible thread in the top
  • fusible thread in the bobbin
  • mark the outlines on the selected fabrics with a sharp pencil, or whatever you can see
  • stitch just a wee bit inside the lines using the above listed thread combination
  • trim with sharp scissors ON the marked lines
  • place the pieces on the background fabric
  • fuse with a hot iron & steam
  • applique in place with a blanket stitch and decorative thread (note - I have not done that yet in the photo... or in real life... maybe tomorrow)

Now, I am going to do that 'cover-my-head' thing.  Good night.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear your humour didn't desert you. My mom broke both hips while in two different nursing homes so there's nothing much that she can do to injure herself. She's made of sturdy stuff and is 92.
    At least you can quilt again now that the cast is off.


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