Wide Backings

Friday, March 16, 2012

Floral Quilt and Red Hat Fascinator Day

Here's the floral beauty all finished.  This was a combination of piecing and pre-printed panels.  Don't try and say that when you're eating crackers.

Closeup of the top.

Love the back.

I had the Red Hat girls over for a pot luck lunch and craft afternoon.  We made fascinators - they were very simple to make and SO MUCH FUN.  I picked up skinny headbands from Zellers - they were in sets of 6, so I only needed to buy 2 sets.  Lots of tulle, satin, feathers, and a few fingers glued together with hot glue.
We were a group of 10, so I sent out a list and assigned each gal the type of food they were required to provide.  I had 2 with appetizers, 2 for salad, 2 for entrees, 2 for dessert,  1 for punch, and 1 for afternoon snack.  Apparently we NEEDED ice cream & banana sundaes in the afternoon.
They are the best bunch of friends, even washing up the china.  Here are the cleaning ladies.
An actual quote from an email I received the following day:  AWESOME..........THANKS so much..............I love my hat ========== I love that my friends made me laugh so hard I farted............................lol ...........stop it ...you silly bunch of red hatters or mad hatters as my husband calls us...
This is usually my favorite day of the month.  I love the 'girl time'.  We have so much fun, with no judgement, it's good for the soul.  Aaahh...

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