Wide Backings

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Citrus in January, blessings from friends, and fitness commitment

This was a job from October. I loved the colour then, but I REALLY love the colour now that it's January.
Much of the quilting was s.i.d., but I love the challenge of quilting up the negative space without adversely affecting the block design.
The border was outline quilted to emphasize the motifs.
Mmm - lovin' the side-lit shadow effect.
And of course, my favorite part - the back.
I am currently limited to pantograph quilting until I get this friggin' cast off, so you may see a few more of last year's quilts while I'm healing.

  • doing up my bra without (very lengthy) assistance
  • risky, but I have applied mascara twice now
  • pinning quilts on the frame all by myself
  • zipping up my winter coat - painful to watch for bystanders, but it gives me a feeling of independence
  • very excited the morning I made myself scrambled eggs AND buttered toast.  The dirty frying pan, thankfully, was not my problem.
This is the wonderful set of mitts & hat made for me by my friend Sue.  The mitt for the right hand is woefully lonely, as it has to stay at home for another three weeks.
 Last night we had dinner at a friend's house, and I was given this super thoughtful Get Well basket.  How great - it includes FOOD and ALCOHOL - two of my very favorite things.  And it will give dh a welcome break from my incessant demands for nutritious food.
 Now - a lament about my fitness/weight loss commitment.  I stuck to the daily hour of exercise, mostly.  The first two days I was 10 minutes shy of an hour, and Thursday I was supposed to be bowling (hmm, yes, with a broken arm in a cast) with the Red Hats.  But a winter storm blew in while we were enjoying our lunch at the local restaurant, so we cancelled bowling, and I never did my bike workout.  The remaining four days I stuck with the program and did a full hour, split between the exercise bike and walking.  So this morning I get on the scale to enjoy the number which SHOULD be two pounds less than last week.  Um, hello... wadda ya mean two pounds more?  Huh?  Impossible.  I got off the scale (which I tried three times, getting the same result each time) and exfoliated my heels.  Somehow that added another half pound.  WTF?  I am totally blaming this on last nights Chinese food at Martina's house and assuming that it is all still in my digestive system.  I will try that damned scale again tomorrow and hope for a better result.


  1. That quilting is awesome. I don't use a long arm machine but the inspiration I see in your examples will definitely be in my next project. Thank you. Doreen

  2. Absolutely love the way you quilted this! Gorgeous!


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