Wide Backings

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bargello quilt and incarceration update

This is an incredible Bargello quilt.  The pics don't do it justice, unfortunately.

I am amazed at how the maker chose the fabrics.  There is stuff in there I would never have included, but the quilt is absolutely gorgeous.  Maybe I need to take some art classes.

Yesterday was another lovely afternoon at the fracture clinic.  My cast was removed, arm xrayed, TWO friggin' doctors come in and start poking around the breaks to see what hurts (assholes!!) then I was re-casted.  I need to stay in the cast for two weeks but the clinic is already fully booked so they can't release my arm until Feb. 14th. 

The good part about the new cast is extra maneuverability in my hand.  I CAN HOLD A ROTARY CUTTER.

On the personal improvement front, I'm up to the page 270's in my Seven Habits book.
As far as weight loss goes,... hmm.  It seems that I am not able to lose two pounds in one week unless I cut off one foot.  Or I could cut off the arm, which is mostly useless right now anyways.  I've been VERY GOOD about my daily hour of exercise, except for yesterday.  And today is still open for failure, but I plan to do at least half an hour.  Lunches this week have been salad, gussied up with feta cheese, cranberries and pecans, and dressed with my niece's very healthy dressing recipe.

On the personal amusement front, I've delved into PINTEREST.  It's a pinboard, so rather than bookmarking items on your computer, you can 'pin' them on to your boards.  Here is a link to my board, which may give you a better idea.  The pin is a photo of 'whatever', then you click on the photo to take you to the relevant webpage.  If your bookmarks are anything like mine it can take 10 minutes to scroll through them all.  I find the pins easier because they are much more visual.

Tonight there is a Kinsmen meeting here at the house.  Normally I would call a friend and make myself scarce, but the weather has turned to shit (rain/ice pellets).  So, I will stay home, lock myself in the living room behind the french doors, and cuddle up to the big-ass tv to watch a few episodes of Mad Men.

OK - off to hit the exercise bike.


  1. Love your quilty pinterest page. Very inspirational!

    Trudy (from SOLO group)

  2. You have a great blog.

    Pinterest is addicting! I love it!

    Did you know you can link your Pinterest boards back to your blog, too? I have a great time finding quilting blogs that way. Click "edit profile" under your picture/avatar just add your blog address where it says website. A button will show under your avatar that will be active back to your blog.

    Have fun!
    Robbie Marie

  3. The Bargello quilt is from American Patchwork & Quilting magazine, August 2011 issue.


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