Wide Backings

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beautiful Batiks & Retreat at Margaret's

Oooh - this is such a pretty quilt.

This is how I record the spacing on my background fill.  I take a picture with something to use for reference.  In this case, it's one finger width.  If I can't get back to quilting for a day or two (like, maybe Kevin Costner will whisk me off to Tahiti???) I will be consistent with the density.

The large flowers in the border needed some fill but I couldn't get too close to the yo-yo centre.

Flowers & leaves fill the unusual space between the star blocks.

We had a wonderful long weekend at Margaret's.  Except for the friggin' weather.  What's with SNOW in the middle of April?  We spent Saturday at the Kawartha Quilt Show.  As you can see, I didn't want to go outside.

I got my Goose in the Pond blocks together.  Pretty.  But they were kinda like wire hangers - I'm sure they kept multiplying.  Every time I thought I had them all done, there was another one or two to be stitched.

Sunday after lunch we're getting ready to head for home.  In the SNOW.  I kept myself awake with half a box of Girl Guide cookies on the drive home.  It's a good thing they only sell those things in the spring.

1 comment:

  1. I guess we missed each other at the Kawartha Quilt Show. It was cold inside too. We had to take a break in between and had lunch to warm up.


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