Wide Backings

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Baby Quilt and Red Hats at the Art Gallery of Hamilton

This is such a pretty baby quilt.  This was made by a gal who makes dog coats.  Well, not just coats - other dog clothes too.  Check out her stuff.

Prairie Points on the inside of the quilt add a cute touch.

Love the back.

Thursday was Red Hat day and it was my job to organize our April outing.  I took the ladies to the Art Gallery of Hamilton where we had a docent led tour and then lunch in the Cafe.  The highlight of the day was when one of our gals walked straight into a fundraising box - the clear lexan pedestal kind, and knocked it over.  She's very quick though - she caught it before it crashed open.  What made this even funnier for me (since I was standing right there) was the fact that she is the same gal who took a screen door off it's hinges at a quilt shop last year.  We ALL saw her do that.  She'll get a reputation if she keeps this up.

Afterwards we hit the Hamilton Farmer's Market.  That is almost enough to make me move back to the city.  When I lived in downtown Hamilton I used to get to the Market on a regular basis.  I had such a good time wandering around I could have stayed all day.  Good thing my cash was limited.  I brought home salmon (which DH does not like), asparagus (which DH does not like), cucumbers (on everyone's hit parade - yaay), cranberry Stilton (which DH is not permitted to eat without my close supervision to ensure he does not get more than half), and a poppy seed roll (to make up for the salmon and the asparagus).

We only ate half of the asparagus on Thursday night so maybe tomorrow's breakfast will be asparagus omelet?

I need to work up my strength for Wednesday, which is Mom's pacemaker replacement day.  If I have as much aggravation at the hospital this week as I've had the last two times we've been there she may come home with the old pacemaker.  I can't keep drinking like this.

1 comment:

  1. Cute quilt, and lovely quilting that really suits it. Good luck on Wednesday.


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