Wide Backings

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

UFO update & ouchie

Check my ufo page to see what I'm up to.  There is a tip there on today's post for longarm quilters. This is pretty intense quilting in the sense that it is totally custom and involves a lot of ruler work.  This means I am hunched over for hours.  In spite of my exercises (jumping jacks, stretches, yoga, walking, skating) I still have cranky muscles.  This afternoon I am going to see my second favorite man in the whole world (Favorite being my husband.  Thought I'd clear that up.).  My chiropractor, Dr. Jim.  He's going to work on my pectoralis minor.  When DH works on it he gets confused and ends up working on something totally different, if you know what I mean.

I share my chiropractor with Anita Zobens of Cotton Mill Thread Works.  I think he's her second favorite man, too.

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