Wide Backings

Sunday, February 20, 2011


If you recall, we got a new breadmaker a while ago and it's a piece of drek.  That is a nice way of saying it's a piece of sh*t.  DH called Black & Decker to complain and they will send us the next model up, as soon as we send them the plug from this bad one.

In the meantime, I was craving some fresh-from-the-oven bread.  I broke down and made it from scratch.  I haven't done that in YEARS.  Like... at least 14 years.  It seems I forgot how to make the loaves look nice.  I will do better next time.

I couldn't find a recipe that appeared easy enough in any of my cookbooks (ok, the two that I looked in, if you really want to know).  So I went to my new favorite go-to blog: Patchwork Times.  I'm starting to feel like a stalker, but I absolutely love Judy's blog.
She is a quilter, author, cook, gardener, dog owner, and poultrist.  Yes.  I did make that word up.  It means she has chickens.  If I need to know something, she is my new best friend.  Even if she doesn't know it.
Her recipe for white bread is here.  Enjoy.  Next, I will be stretching my wings and making something a little less white and a little more fibre-ey.


  1. I made Judy's Cinnamon rolls last night. Just remember to put your seam on the bottom of the pan. The texture looks nice though. Bet it tastes good. Chris

  2. great job - I haven't done that in 30 years. monica

  3. Betcha it was easy too. I made some buns a while ago - from scratch and they turned out so good. I had forgotten how good home baked really was - from scratch, no machine.


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