Wide Backings

Monday, September 6, 2010

Leaf Quilt

Green and brown are not really my colours (although I do have two rooms painted green). This quilt came to me with almost perfect piecing. And the quilting turned out so pretty ...I went with a leaf & curl theme.
Continuous curve in the leaf blocks.
As usual, I'm just all about the back.
I don't normally post photos of quilts that have been quilted with a pantograph. I prefer to showcase my 'fancy' quilting. However, I love the colours in this quilt so much. Working on it just sent a frisson up my spine.It's Labour Day weekend and I am certainly labouring. Labour of LOVE, that is (ha ha ha). I'm trying to get caught up since I'm several quilts behind schedule.
DH cooked Friday & Sunday nights. I'm not allowed to tell you how badly the potatoes were burnt, or about the ruined pot, or about the range hood that smells like a burning tire and may have to be replaced. I have certainly had my share of disasters (ask me some time about my infamous Freightliner Porkchops). On Saturday we ordered in Chinese and had supper with the neighbours. After explaining the odour in the house, I had to listen to the ENDLESS story of MY cooking, and the smoke alarm that performed double duty as a dinner bell in our first house.
In his non-fumigating time, DH was in the garage working on a float for the Caledonia Kinsmen, which will be entered in the Great Tricycle Race parade. When I checked the event schedule, I saw there is a contest "How Many Students Can You Squeeze in a Car?". Not surprising, it's a challenge for high school students. When I was in high school we had mom's old boat - her Chrysler Newport Custom. We crammed in 11 on a return trip from the Waterford quarries where we'd been illegally swimming and drinking all day. That was back in the day when I was skinny enough that I could sit on a guy's lap for an hour and not squash him, and even if I did squash him, he really didn't mind (if you know what I mean?? - wink wink).

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