Wide Backings

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Drunkards Path Quilt & Barbeque Disposal

Here's the beauty I finished up this week.
I went with a theme of feathers and curls.
The straight lines add a nice contrast.
I love living in the country. Old BBQ out at the road - 9 am.
Old BBQ mysteriously disappeared - 1 pm. This put me in mind of Bert from Soap (a 70's sitcom) where he thought he was an alien. He would snap his fingers and believed that he had disappeared. I find myself doing that and I'm oddly surprised when people can still see me.

I was out with some of my Red Hat gals on Tuesday night. We went out for supper and a movie: Eat Pray Love. The book was better than the movie, which is pretty normal. You can't substitute your own imagination for someone else's condensed version of a story. We had a grand time anyways. I had ribs - yum, yum, yum. I had my bloodwork done the next morning - it was likely so full of salt & fat that I'll have to go back for another test.


  1. Your quilting is always so complimentary to the quilt. Your customers must adore you!

  2. Wow! This is a real beauty of a quilt. I'm thinking of starting a drunkards path and when I came upon this one I thought this might just be the layout for me. I hope you wont mind if I consider copying it.

    Your work is amazing!!! What a lovely blog you have.

    Nice to come upon you. *karendianne.


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