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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Quilting on silk & cooking on the patio

Quilting on silk looks sooo pretty!

Yesterday's high temp on the patio was 98.8 F. With the a/c roaring in the house there was NO WAY I was going to turn on the oven. (hmm, enviro-guilt??) So I kicked the toaster oven out to the patio and cooked supper there. I've done that with the crock pot too in summers past. And yes, thank you, I do know the t.o. is missing a knob. I'm just glad it was set to 'bake' when it broke off. What do you want with free stuff you buy with your VISA points - quality??? Anyhow, I made a casserole with leftover ham from one Anne Lindsay's Heart Healthy cookbooks. It includes cauliflower, red peppers, fresh dill, a cheese sauce, and crumb topping. I served it with fresh salad, and green beans that I harvested the other day. Mom always calls me 'her little farmerette'. Speaking of mom - today is her 90th birthday. I am meeting my siblings at the 'home' for lunch in the dining room (that is an experience - yum... diced food). I plan to bring a cake & candles so we can party on, dude.

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