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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lantern Quilt & Today's Garden Harvest

Here is today's harvest.
The beets are now cooked, peeled & chopped, ready for supper. The zucchini has been made into Yummy Zucchini Salad. I will cook the green beans later. It's hot hot hot this week. I watered the garden on Sunday and mulched a lot of the veggies with straw. I've run out of straw now, so the job of getting another bale goes on DH's honey-do list. Poor guy. Not only do I make him eat zucchini, I also make him help me to grow even bigger & better zucchini. I took Sadie to town for her quarterly visit with Tina at the beauty parlour. Tonight I will go to the quilt shop and pay my extra ten bucks for forgetting my block of the month in June. Sheesh - dummy me!

The lantern quilt is finished and really pretty in pink.

1 comment:

  1. I think the hot weather we've had will produce an abundance of veggies this year...ah the zuck! why do we women put this in the garden? to make men aware that they should really participate in gardening more...
    love the quilt. I'm a pink girl anyway...I just looked at the dog...he seriously needs a bath today, it should cool him off too.
    yep....it's hot...it's summer.


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