Wide Backings

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sampler Quilt & HMCS Haida

Here are some pics of a sampler quilt I was working on last week. Beautiful, batiks.

Thursday was Red Hat day. Christine arranged for us to visit the warship HMCS Haida with a personal tour by a friend of hers. WOW. Definitely the most interesting thing I've seen in a long time. From the torpedo chutes to the engine room to the teeny little kitchen where meals for 200 men were prepared. Our tour guide was a former seaman who worked on ships similar to this one. Watching him hoist his (age 70-ish???) body into one of the hammocks where they slept made me wonder if he threw his back out. His personal story of watching the cook cut the green fuzzy off the ham before he boiled it took me back to my younger days of apartment-living. heh, heh, heh. They had a daily allotment of one shot of rum, which they all lined up for. It was an excellent day out.

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