Wide Backings

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Quilts of Valour & mini-break

Sadly, Canada has lost a couple more soldiers overseas. I finished up this quilt for the Quilts of Valour program. If you have some spare fabric (and I'm pretty sure you do...) or a quilt top hanging around with no intended home (this is pretty likely, too) consider contacting a longarm quilter in your area. Or check the website.

This past weekend DH and I went to Niagara Falls for a mini-break. This was a birthday gift for DH from my brother & s.i.l. Sadie also got a mini-break and had a sleepover with my brother. On our way to deliver Sadie, I went to the bank while DH filled the car with gas. Since we were holidaying he got a car wash too. Sadie has never been through a car wash. Now she's experiencing post-traumatic-stress-disorder and has NO plans to EVER go through a car wash again. I promised her that in retaliation, I would take DH on the Maid of the Mist.

He didn't cheer up again until I fed him a nice hunk of cow.A photo of the first thing a man always does in a hotel room.If you're looking for a nice little mini-break, check out these great deals.


  1. that's on my to do list --to go to Niagara Falls! That's a nice QOV-I'm sure it will comfort a soldier or their family.

  2. so glad you guys had a nice little getaway. love the food shot too!

    kerry doesn't look too impressed on the maid of the mist!!! too funny...


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