Wide Backings

Friday, April 30, 2010

My day in photos

Bath the dog. Doesn't she look thrilled?

Clean the bathrooms. Why me?

Vacuum. As if the dog wasn't already mad at me.

Dust. OK, this really IS my mess to clean up. Longarm quilting at home = lint manufacturing facility.

Wash floors. This nasty bugger crushed my thumb today. Housework is dangerous.

Do laundry. I like this job when I can use the solar dryer.

Make mess. Two birthday postcards, actually.

Plant 60 onions.

Plant 100 leeks. (why???)

Curse the blackflies. Bastards.

Take medicine for blackfly bite. Uh oh - looks like I need to replenish medicine.

Make nutritious supper. (???)

Turn the tv on.

Watch educational program. (huh??)
La la land.


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