Wide Backings

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bear's Paw quilt

This Bear's Paw was quilted with x-hatching in the outer borders and herringbone in the sashing. The blocks were done with Circle Lord using the Bowl template, then I echoed the design to fill the space. I like it!!

I started planting the garden on the weekend. Seeds: carrots, beets, spinach, parsley. I'm experimenting with a couple of my seedlings (boston lettuce and tomatoes) by planting them under cloches made from water bottles. Very green of me, don't you think? It's a good thing they're under shelter. It's been so windy here the last few days I keep checking the sky for Toto and the Scarecrow.My Binbrook Guild is hand quilting to earn a few dollars for the kitty. The guild member who offered her basement for quilting is also an egg farmer. Even though I feel like a fraud when I go hand quilting, it's worth it for the goodies I bring home. These are big, double yolk eggs that won't fit in her normal egg cartons. Since I know bugger-all about fresh eggs I came home with my prize and got on the internet (source of all information - good AND useless). How do you clean eggs? Do you need to clean eggs? Should you clean eggs? I've decided to refrigerate them as they are, then wash them in warm water as I use them. Apparently when they pop out of mama chicken they have a protective coating on them, that when washed makes the shells porous. I also learned that double-yolkers are laid by young'uns who haven't figured the system out yet.

1 comment:

  1. I went searching for fmq ideas for a bearpaw and found yours! Love it!


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