The blocks were quilted using the Circle Lord.
I never gave you a whole shot of the finished commission quilt. This should knock a BIG hole in my stash report next week. Unfortunately, it won't do much for my UFO challenge which hasn't been touched all month. sigh.
Back a few months ago I bought some gardening certificates from Wag Jag (which is exactly like Groupon - discount certificates, usually half price or less). The plan is to rip out what I laughingly refer to as the 'flower bed' in front of my workroom. There is more grass and thistles in there than flowers. It includes two Mock Orange shrubs which I planted for the fragrant flowers. Trouble is, they don't flower. Well, ok, maybe three flowers per shrub. Certainly not enough to perfume my workroom when the windows are open. So - not doing their job? They are outta there!!! And the red twig dogwood that is buried in behind them? Outta there!!! The Prince of Wales junipers which are buried under the ivy - outta there! I think DH will have to pull them out with the truck. Maybe tonight (if you are looking for some cheap entertainment).
Yesterday I toodled on over to start spending my $200, where I gleefully found that ALL SHRUBS AND TREES ARE 50% OFF. Woo hoo - my lucky day. Well, two lucky days since I can only use two vouchers per visit, and I've got four vouchers to spend. I had the car jam packed yesterday with three shrubs, 3 canna lilys potted up, one pond plant thingy, and a large patio planter. Today DH will meet me there to pick up a few more shrubs and a dwarf nest spruce.
Now that summer seems to finally be here (although, this morning it was only 55 degrees?) I plan to go out in the mornings to rip out the ivy and ... um... the other ground cover.

I also have to dig up the fall blooming crocus so I can replant them. These things are lovely, by the way. They leaf out green in the spring then the leaves die back, blooming in August & September.