Back 25 years ago, girls night out meant something very different - involving tight jeans, loud music, and much alcohol. Remember??? Now, we go out for a little pampering... ahhh.
In August, Jane decided that we needed to
book something which would, hopefully, prevent us from postponing our night out yet again. A little 'spa' time at the Adrien Arpel counter at the Bay was just the ticket. This included a back & arm massage, a facial (which removed most of the top 12 layers of skin), a makeup application, and a free gift bag containing goodies.

Here is the 'BEFORE' of Jean and I. I wanted a 'DURING' photo with the cucumber slices on the eyes, but Jean and I were in separate rooms. The A.A. counter has been downsized recently which meant I was in what has turned in to the storage closet. No room for cucumbers. Although, part of my treatment WAS a 'vegetable peel'. Something else was honey and almond which put me in mind of Amaretto. This put me in mind of Harvey Wallbangers (back from 25 years ago!). There were also a couple of products with papaya. All of this stuff was making me hungry - it had been several hours since my lunch.

Here is our 'AFTER'. Anna (who worked her magic on me) asked if I wanted
dramatic or
natural. My normal routine includes under-eye cover and mascara, period. If I'm feeling fancy I will add lipstick. So I thought I should go natural. Do you know that natural requires
5 colours of eye shadow?

Jane and Teresa 'BEFORE'.

ane in progress. Jane got the storage closet too.

Teresa in progress. Her '
natural' required several colours of lipstick.
Who knew???
Finished, starving and heading for the restaurant.
It is now 6:40 pm and the restaurant is waaay lined up, so we must wait another half hour.
What to do, what to do???? Well, since we are in a MALL, I guess we'll go shopping. Four heavy parcels later we trundle back to the restaurant and squash our stuff under our seats. It was one of the typical 'girl' dinners with laughter enough to bring on the tears. OMG, watch the fancy makeup!!! But it was already too late for the lipstick - it was long gone (I think the bread took care of that). There may be more to follow - rumour has it we may have a SPA WEEKEND in the works. Perhaps by then, some of my skin will grow back?
A side comment regarding my purchases:I bought 2 pair of slacks and 3 blouses. All 5 pieces were made in China. I shopped at a name brand boutique store, and they were not cheap. I wish the 'powers-that-be' had some notion about the North American middle class and truly considered that people need decent paying jobs HERE so they can buy this stuff. If things keep going the way they have been, there will be no market for these goods. The Salvation Army and the Goodwill stores will get much busier. OK, off my soapbox now. Have a great weekend.