Wide Backings

Friday, December 30, 2022

Fall & Winter Projects

 I started this back in the summer, it became Part II of a wedding gift.  Cute - a modern version of Christmas trees.

The pattern is a freebee from Art Gallery Fabrics, "Tepee Adventures".  It's written as a lap quilt so I had to make more blocks and kind of re-jig things to get a queen size quilt.  Most of the fabrics came from my stash, with the exception of the backgrounds and the border, and I think a couple of fat quarters.

This was made as a gift for an animal lover.

All fabrics from my stash, although the dog panel was a recent bargain purchase that I couldn't (ahem, couldn't?) walk away from, at a quilt shop that was closing due to retirement.  Quilted with cute little paw prints, and very cozy with a flannel back.

More animal lover gifts.  These were packed up with some tea packets, chocolate balls, and a book for each.

These six quilts went to Martha House (a women's shelter in Hamilton).  I've been working on these throughout the year.  
  • The cat quilt on the left was made from a panel that I picked up from the guild "take it" table.  
  • The blues/yellows next to it was a guild demo for three-patch quilts, made from flying geese blocks.  
  • Next the charm squares were pieced on Super Bowl Sunday, my annual project fueled by commercials, cocktails & frozen lasagne.  
  • The reds/greens started as a layer cake from Missouri Star Quilt Company.  
  • Next is another layer cake, which I WON at Missouri Star, pieced with a redrafted version of the Summer Slice pattern.  
  • Far right is the original version of the Summer Slice pattern.  This was an example on using a border print fabric.

This Dream Big panel has been hanging on my flannel board for a few years.  Originally I put it there to give myself some Stand And Stare time.  After it had been there for about three years, though, I started to get a guilty conscience over the un-doneness of it.  

When the fearless leader of the Beach Girls announced an in-person SOLO meeting (Southern Ontario Longarm Operators) scheduled for November (the first one since the pandemic started), I was determined to bring this finished, because the program was Show & Share.
As it turned out, I barely got it off the machine the evening before the meeting.  I took it in all it's not-quite-finished ugliness, with excess backing & batting flapping in the wind.  Whatever.  It was quilted.
This whole thing was quilted by me, as in "hand guided", as in "no computer".  I don't generally work my creative brain cells this much, so I had to pull out some of my books:  Angela Walters, Renae Haddadin, Judy Madsen, as well as go through the zillion sheets of quilting doodles that I've brought home from classes over the years.

I'll give you closeups of each quadrant because Every. Single. Petal. was quilted differently:

And the back.  You can see the various thread colours I used to accentuate the petals.  The one thread I ended up not being happy with was the pale peach, it looks washed out.  The rest were all good.

Now remember:  common folklore tells you that however you start the New Year is how the year will progress.  It is crucial that you have your stitching project planned for Sunday!  I'll be doing my usual in person AND long-distance-via-email group sewing, with Chinese Food to follow.  Happy New Year. 🎇


  1. The hand guided quilting is AMAZING!

  2. Spectacular quilting! Hope this has a place of prominence in your home.


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