Wide Backings

Saturday, March 14, 2020

What happened to February???? Lovely Embroidery

I have obviously been M.I.A. ...almost a month since I last posted?  Well, let me catch you up.

Oh, such a beautiful embroidered topper... tablecloth?

The maker is such a wonderful woman, she embroidered my name on there too. 💗

As I mentioned, my birthday was the end of February (the 27th to be exact, in case you want to note that on your calendar for next year, which will be a BIG ONE ha ha ha...).
I crossed off a bucket-list item and got the tattoo.  Many thanks to Tamara King at Sinkin Ink in Hamilton.  I am super happy with it, although still a little bit self conscious about it.

I am planning on semi-retiring next year when I turn (ahem) 65.  Having a life plan, for me,  means I need something to get me out into the social-sphere AND feel productive/contributing to the world-at-large.  I decided to start volunteering at Mark Preece Family House a couple times a month, with a view to spending more time there next year.  I managed to finish one four-hour shift, and then Covid-19 hit, which shut the house down until further notice.  Well, better safe than sorry.

A demo presentation at the guild (Four Patch Posie) left me with 18 quilt blocks.

I went on retreat with the same guild a week later and got three tops done, including those 18 blocks.  The panel quilt on the left is ready for quilting.  The two on the right still need border(s).
I guess now I can take one of my volunteer days and get the little panel quilted.  Or work on bookkeeping.  Or fill another box for the Goodwill.  Or...


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