Wide Backings

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Cat Quilt and A Life Update

This was so much fun to work on.

The saving grace was that the maker brought a folder of quilting ideas along with the quilt.

There was a lot of negative space for me to play.

The quilting that replicates the brick floor was a technique I learned in a class with Jodi Robinson.  I've used that design more than I ever expected.

Things have been pretty hectic around here for the past 6 weeks.  Hubby was helping a friend and had an unfortunate accident that is limiting his activities and requiring physio appointments twice a week.  After breaking MY wrists (one at a time, thankfully) I'm in no position to complain about helping him through his recovery.  Quilts on the schedule are getting a bit behind, but I'm doing my darndest to make sure that any deadlines you've given me are met. I appreciate your understanding. 💗

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