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Monday, August 5, 2019

Summer Blue Quilts, Beach Day, & Zucchini Report

Blue & White quilts are the perfect choice for summer.

This was quilted with "Tracery" pantograph.

Blue & Cream for a little softer effect.

Quilted with "Chocolate Leaves" pantograph.

This is the annual get-away celebrated by the Beach Girls (my longarm pack) for two nights to Diane's house.  If you've ever been on any of her bus trips - Diane's Destinations - you know that she is a super organizer who likes to keep her girls entertained.  This year she took us on a shopping adventure to Exeter, St. Mary's, and Coldstream.  I think we all bought stuff we probably don't need, but what the hell. You only live once.
We had our dinner that night at Eddington's of Exeter, and I had a chance to visit for a few minutes with James - the chef who cooked/taught on the trip to France last fall.
Our evening entertainment was spent with Ashes Alley  having a paint pour night.  Paint is not what I'm usually pouring (ahem! 😋).
Here is how it went, in pictures...

1.  Cover everything, including yourself, in plastic, before you start with the paint.

2. Fill a cup with paint.

3. Hold an inverted canvas over the cup.

4. Flip them both.  Warning... don't drop it.  Notice this is being done over a garbage-bag-lined box?

5.  Gently remove the cup.

6. Tip the canvas so the paint can slip-slide over the surface.

7. Watch in awe as the surface transforms.

8.  This is mine shortly after my pour.

9. Here it is the next morning.  It was transitioning during the night, with bubbles of colour coming to the top.

These take two days to dry so Diane is hanging on to them until we get together again at the end of the month.


Alas, I have not yet regained my Zucchini Crown 👑.  That darned Nancy on Manitoulin Island is still ahead of me.  Grrr....  All season I've been flipping leaves over, checking the underside for egg masses of squash bugs.  These are copper-coloured bunches of dots. The dots are about the size of poppy seeds.  I tear a hole in the leaf, removing the section with egg masses, so I was shocked yesterday to discover a whole flock of little squash bugs.  Bastards.  I managed to murder many of them... squashing them - is that poetic justice?

Picked this week: 3
Picked YTD: 4

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