Wide Backings

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Rosewood Quilt & Garden update

Just like with children, you're not supposed to have a favorite.  But I can't help having a few favorite customers.
This is ROSEWOOD, by Moda.  So pretty.

As usual, when I do "custom" quilting there is a ton of stitch-in-the-ditch.

When the s.i.d. is complete I go back and put in the motifs.

This quilt got lots of feathers.


Well, this is really embarrassing.  Downright humiliating.  I have a buddy who lives on Manitoulin Island and she has picked her first zucchini.  Me?  I got nothin'.  There is no excuse for that - it's plenty hot (!) with a 44 c. humidex, and there's been plenty of rain - we had another huge t-storm last night.  I guess my plants just need a good talking-to.
In other more respectable news, I have quit picking asparagus.  I will let it just grow for the rest of the summer so it'll be nice and lush next year.  The peas are still producing, although they don't really love the heat, so unless it cools down a bit they might give up the ghost.
The garlic is ready to be dug, as far as I can tell.  I had a couple of heads that rotted, but they were volunteers, not my "real" crop.  Hopefully the real ones are ok.
The raspberries have started to produce.  Yay, Snoopy dance!  Normally I manage to freeze enough to get me through my yogurt-&-fruit lunches until late winter.
I picked my first cabbage this week.  I used one half for a coleslaw and shared the other half with a friend.  A whole head is just too darned much.
It has been so stinking hot & humid this week that no weeding has taken place, and my flower beds are really starting to look like it.  It's cooled down a bit today so maybe I'll get out there later.  I spent a few evenings in the veggie beds putting down my red-neck mulch of newspapers & grass clippings (this year, those clippings have been mixed with chicken manure from the down-the-road farmer).  That mulch ends up being a real life saver when it comes to weeding.  Yes, it takes a lot of sweaty work in the beginning but over the course of the summer it definitely pays off.

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