Wide Backings

Monday, May 6, 2019

Kids Quilts and the Joy of Getting Older

Kids quilts are always so much fun.  This is an I Spy quilt, with a ton of cute fabrics.

It was quilted with an alphabet design which will come in handy as the child grows.

Here are several of the cute, cute prints.

Haha, frogs taking a bath while their friends are partying.

I finally bit the bullet and agreed to start taking Lipitor for my cholesterol.  As a rule my diet is pretty good.  I eat wholesome, home-made food, lots of veggies & whole grains, and in the summer most of my food comes from the garden.  My cholesterol problem seems to be just a result of genetics.
So, to "celebrate" my new drug habit, I splurged on some butter tarts.

And as night follows day...

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