Wide Backings

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Annual Tobermory Retreat

Well, we're celebrating our 10th retreat-aversary up here.  In the spirit of festivity, I encouraged a little bit of day drinking with our lunch...very French, you know.

I was on food duty yesterday so there were beef crostinis with a little MORE day drinking.

Then dessert after supper included the Boozie Floozies I made (sun dried cherries soaked for a couple weeks in Bourbon and Grand Marnier).

Since my kitchen duties are finished for the week I was stitching up a storm this morning and managed to be the first one "on the railing".

This afternoon I'm starting project #2...

Yesterday the weather was pelting rain and WINDY.  Today is still windy but the rain seems to be holding off, which means I have no excuse to get me out of going for a walk.

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