Wide Backings

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Dresden Plate and Mother Nature and Books

Have you been around me long enough to know that I love Dresden Plate quilts?  If not, well, I do.  I also love wine and martinis, not necessarily in that order.

This is kind of a modern take on the Dresden Plate, because of the choice of modern fabrics.

The quilting shows better in pics from the back side.  The center of the plates all have a bird quilted in them, as requested by the maker.  Love.

Yes, now on to MOTHER NATURE.  I'm tempted to start referring to her as "she who must not be named".

I gave up with the pics on the 16th - it was mostly rain all day.  Today it started as a drizzle then stopped.  DH and I went to Costco this afternoon and... the SUN came out.  We got home in time for Sadie and I to take a 20 minute walk.  As I donned my sunglasses (!) I commented to DH that I had just put the kiss of death on the weather.  Sure enough, 5 minutes later the sun was gone and the wind turned bitter.  In a normal year, by now the lettuce, dill and cilantro have sprouted in the garden.  The garlic greens might be peeking up from the ground.  This year?  Um, no.  Buried under snow.

Two very good books I've read during all this shitty weather I mean the past couple weeks:

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